Sunday, July 11, 2010

Alternative Healthcare Plan (The One You Don't Hear About) (April 2009)

Took some time to write this one out, bear with me. Feel free to add your opinions.

Health Care should be readily available to everyone
Health Insurance should not be available to everyone. It is Unconstitutional to force others to pay for the choices one makes in life concerning their life and health.It's important that you review how a business works. Here's a refresher course on the subject

The Baucus Health Plan
  • Mandated coverage across the board
    • Unconstitutional as it forces individuals to be responsible for the life decisions of others
  • Tax on Medical Items/Procedures beginning in 2011
    • On Class II and above Items/Procedures (priced at $100+) Link here
    • Tax will be applied for each time used
    • Results in higher Employer Contributions on Insurance Premiums
      1. Has negative impact on wages and employment
      2. May cause employer to drop private insurance for an affordable plan with less benefits (or pay the government fines if less expensive)
    • Results in higher Consumer Insurance Premiums
      1. Has negative impact on Middle Class buying power
      2. Less buying power results in slower moving economy
  • Should the Public Option be Included
    • Due to tax, Employers and Consumers will drop Private Insurance to either pay the fines for lack of coverage, or join the public option in 2013
    • Private Insurers go under if they can’t force premiums down to compete against government subsidies in 2013
    • Public option becomes the only option unless it’s found that the fines cost less than paying the public option fees. We now have a single-payer system.
Alternative Health Plan
  • Allow Tax Credits for Consumers
    • Consumers may deduct the annual cost of their insurance from their taxes just as their employers do now
    • This removes the disparity for cost of coverage as an individual compared to being covered through the Employer
    • Resulting with employers no longer needing to provide coverage, freeing up capital to go towards increasing wages, hiring more employees, improving the business
  • Remove State Mandates
    • Will avoid confusion due to state differences in coverage eligibility
    • Will push Private Insurers to compete with others in states that have better coverage and lower premiums
  • Consumers may shop for nationwide options
    • Will force competitiveness among insurers, drive down costs and improve benefits as a result
    • Gives the individual authority over what plan they are looking for and the price they are willing to pay for it, no bureaucracy
  • TORT Reform
    • Will lower the number of frivolous malpractice claims once claims are capped
    • Will lower Malpractice Insurance Premiums for doctors, which will drive down fees for service especially with private practices
    • Lower service fees results in lower medical costs, which results in lower Insurance Premiums across the board
  • Create pool for the un-insurable
    • Fix Medicare first and foremost
    • Subsidize the uninsurable through the government and allow them access to Medicare
    • Should Private Insurers be forced to lower their standards in order to cover high risk cases, the system will be unsustainable. (Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Federal Housing authority are prime examples of the predictable result, a bubble system)
  • Consumer access to health history
    • Companies like Keas, Inc. (run by Adam Bosworth) are working on a system built to store medical data/history of patients which is inputted on a voluntary basis
    • Doctors will have access to medical records from anywhere in the nation, quicker response due to readily available information on patient
    • Individuals will have unlimited access to their own records, which allows them to make decisions to improve their health
    • Long term effect: Consumers make better health decisions, which will drive down health costs

The result of the Alternative Health Plan:
  • The average individual will have the freedom to choose their own health plan and not be limited by employer choice, state/federal limitations and lack of competition.
  • The ultimate goal of healthcare for a majority of the population, with little to no impact on the federal deficit due to a minor government presence
  • Lower competitive rates based upon economic principles as the system reaches equilibrium
  • Will not require a tax increase on any citizen to pay for it, besides the current tax on Medicare and Medicade

Econ 101: The Business Basics (September 2008)

Here is the basic model for a business.

Click to Enlarge

The idea is that the money trickles down from the upper tiers down to the lower. The business owner will either use their own money or take out a business loan to start a business based upon the needs of the public (Consumer). The Company is running and now we have some expenses that must be taken care of: Government Taxes, The Shareholders, Business Expenses, and of course The Employees. Once the business is running on its own, it is the Consumer who is the main, if not only, income to pay for all expenses for this Company.

The basic idea behind this is that, given the fact that the expenses needed to run the company are usually fixed, if you increase the amount for just one of the expenses, you must either do one of two things in order to keep the business afloat.

The first would be the easiest; the Consumer pays an increased amount on the product made in order to compensate for the increase of one of the Company’s expenses.

The second option; because there is a limit to how much the Consumer would be asked to pay, in order to keep the business afloat, one or more of the other expenses has to be cut back in order to keep things going:
  • State and Federal Government Taxes: This is an uncontrolled percentage of the total income made by the Company. This is usually the main reason for income/expense adjustments for businesses. This includes permits, property taxes, etc.
  • Shareholders: If the Company has enough growth, more people will invest into it. The idea here is that every business quarter, those investors hope to see some positive return from your Company. These investors can be private individuals or even the company’s very own employees (401K) or pensions from other businesses that grow through the success of this Company. Should you cut from this expense, you affect every single person in this category, their investments, retirement, and hope for the future.
  • Business Expenses: This category ranges from maintenance, research and development, business travel, supplies for your product, etc. Basically anything necessary to help promote, or continue your Company. If another expense increases, something in this category has to go to make up for it. The issue here is figuring out how your Company will be affected if something here is cut out. Also, this can cause a shift in income/expenses as well. If a Business Expense’s price goes up, one of your other main expenses has to be cut back as well to make up for it.
  • Employees: Wages, raises, bonuses, health insurance, parking, break times, etc. Most of these are necessary to keep your employees minimally happy enough to work for you. Usually, if the Consumer will not pay an increased price, the Company will lower its expenses by laying off some employees, or reducing benefits in order to keep the Company going. This expense category can also affect other expenses if it is increased by, current example, the minimum wage. If the minimum wage is raised, another expense category must be adjusted to make the difference.
  • Entrepreneur: This is the income that you make for yourself, set after all of your initial expense categories have been set. This can increase if more income goes into the Company, or if you are greedy and have poor business knowledge (decrease your other necessary expenses to keep a large income, thus eating your Company out from the inside). This can also decrease if you have no choice but to decrease your salary to make up for another increased expense. If you find that your salary has to decrease low enough that you have to worry about your personal lifestyle, that is when it’s time to either sell the Company or close up altogether.

The reason why I wrote all of this is simple. I felt it necessary to educate many of you in how business is started and maintained. In our current system, the United States is the leading nation in corporate taxes. We have the highest tax rate in the world which is an expense on American based companies. Therefore, as I’ve shown above, something else must be adjusted in order to keep those companies afloat. In the extreme cases, these American companies have had to be sold to foreign interests, outsource their employees, or move to another country completely (where employees and taxes are cheaper). This affects every single one of you reading this now. You are either a business owner, shareholder, consumer, or employee. After reading the above, consider the following.

Now both political parties have different methods of saving the economy:
  • One proposes tax cuts (reduction in the amount taxed) for businesses in order to stimulate the economy and make it favorable for American business to stay/return home and thus create more job opportunities domestically.  The idea is that, the more money that is free in the economy, the more spending can be done to stimulate the economy.
  • The second candidate proposes taxing both the individual business owner (because of the amount of income they have), the business itself (Capital Gains Tax: which the Consumer pays), and at the same time, increases the amount of money that the middle class (Consumer) have. In effect, this plan leaves the system in equilibrium, meaning, that nothing will change in the economy.
Here’s a silly question: Which party has a better economic stimulus plan? Happy voting, more observations to come.

Help to pass HR 25 (the FairTax): Replacement to our tax system (July 2008)

The FairTax Book (Synopsis)
Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS
By Neil Boortz and John Linder
  1. The History of Our Tax System
    • 1776 - No National Taxation, Only Local Govt - Alcohol, Carriages, Consumer Items (Sugar and Tobacco)
    • 1812 - Luxury Items Taxed due to war of 1812
    • 1817 - Tax system abolished, Govt Funded by Tariffs on Imports
    • 1861 - Union passes bill assessing 3% income tax on earnings btwn $600-$10,000 and 5% plus and inheritance tax on earnings +$10,000 (+$166,700 today) – Confederate states adopted similar system
    • 1872 - Feds remove tax system after Civil War due to the displeasure of American Citizens. Returned to taxing tobacco and alcohol
    • 1894 – After Panic of 1893 (Railroad and dependant banks fell into receivership) 2% tax on income +$4,000/year (+$50,000 today) – State and local govt officials are EXEMPT from this tax – became law without signature of President Grover Cleveland who found it unconstitutional. This split the govt into the Democratic (pro tax) and Republican (anti tax) parties
    • 1896 to 1908 – public told the income tax would “soak the rich” by Democrats and would leave middle class alone. Joseph Bailey (D) hoped to show Republicans as hostile to poor by introducing a bill calling for the income tax. Liberal Republicans voted for the bill in hopes to derail it with the condition that an amendment had to be passed as a result of an amendment to the Constitution. Democrats pushed idea that any income tax would be directed ONLY at the wealthy and that ordinary Americans would be left virtually untaxed (tobacco and alcohol).
    • 1913 – 16th Amendment Ratified with very little objection
  2. …Then Came Withholding
    • The 1913 law that established the income tax also allowed the federal govt to withhold taxes from paychecks
    • 1917 – American citizens complained to their representatives and a law was passed barring the practice of withholding taxes
    • Taxpayers would calculate the full amount of income taxes they owed for the previous tax year and write one check to the IRS in one lump sum. (This meant no Medicare, social security, etc was withheld for every paycheck during the year)
    • Withholding was a means to camouflage the actual tax burden pressed upon the American people and under the guise of patriotism and propaganda during World War II, the funding needs of the federal government could no longer be sustained by the wealthy, everyone had to chip in.
    • 1942 – Walt Disney creates “The New Spirit”, a cartoon, at the urging of the Treasury Department, in which Donald Duck telling the public “it is your privilege to help your government paying your tax and paying it promptly.”
    • 1943 – The Ruml Plan (Current Tax Payment Act of 1943) was created to gain more supporters of the withholding tax. If individuals supported the plan, they were told they would not have to pay taxes for 1942 in March 15th, 1943. In reality, during the course of the year of 1943, they would be paying the previous year’s taxes paycheck by paycheck. 
    • 1970’s – President Jimmy Carter attempts to have withholding extended to interest and dividend earnings. The public cried foul and the effort failed.
    • 1982 – The interest and dividend idea was brought up again during President Ronald Reagan, in which Congress authorized the additional withholding measure. It was repealed a month later due to public outcry
  3. The Myth of Corporate Taxes
    • Myth : We pay less as individuals when taxes are transferred to businesses and corporations
    • In reality, corporations have never paid or ever will pay taxes. The burden will always fall to the individual
    • Businesses and corporations merely collect taxes from individuals and pass them on to the government. Taxes are paid from wages, and in America, only individuals pay taxes
    • For example, a fictional company, Gilco, has 100 shareholders, and fifty employees who make 200 widgets per year. The company sells the product at $100,000 each. Gilco’s gross revenues in $20 million per year. It costs the company $18 million a year (labor cost, federal taxes, marketing and production) to make the widgets. This leaves $2 million in profit.
    • If the federal government decides to create a 5% corporate tax increase, this means that Gilco will owe $100,000 more in federal income taxes where will that money come from?
      1. It can come from the $2 million profit. This profit, though, belongs to the shareholders who, when receiving their dividend checks will see a decrease. The corporation hasn’t paid the tax in this scenario
      2. Raise the price of widgets to cover the tax increase. The customers end up paying for the tax increase. The corporation doesn’t pay here either
      3. Cut costs of running Gilco to cover the additional tax. This will most likely mean either cutting employee benefits, lay off some employees and increase productivity on the remaining employees. The individual employee ends up paying for the tax increase. The corporation pays nothing.
      4. Cut costs of running Gilco to cover the additional tax. You can buy cheaper components to make the widgets. Cheaper components come from Company X who can afford to sell cheap because they’ve had to cut back by paying their employees less or cutting benefits. Your supplier takes a beating and passes it down to their employees and suppliers. The corporation doesn’t pay here too.
  4. Our Current Tax Code: The Cost of Compliance
    • 52.8% of tax compliance costs are paid by businesses, 2.8% are paid by nonprofit organizations, and 44.4% are paid by individual American citizens (Remember that the taxes paid by businesses come from the individual)
    • Opportunity Cost – money lost as a result of business decisions that prevented you from exploiting certain opportunities
    • In 2002, $950 billion in individual income taxes were collected from the government by withheld taxes from individual paychecks. Should the taxpayers had been able to keep that money when it was due – and invested that money in T-bills – nearly $24 billion dollars in interest payments could have been pocketed by the American taxpayers. The $24 billion is the opportunity cost.
    • Under the FairTax, there would be no income tax, meaning that the estimated $950 billion collected from the taxpayers paychecks would have stayed in the hands of those individuals who earned it.
  5. The Embedded Costs of Our Tax Code
    • When a consumer item is purchased (bread, car, house, eggs, etc.) part of the cost goes to the people who had a hand in producing and selling you that item. Part of that cost is given to the Federal Government as taxes
    • 22% of the price paid for a consumer item represents embedded taxes. That 22% of what you spend supports the Federal Government in addition to the money taken out of your check in income taxes and payroll taxes!!
    • The embedded tax exists also in services as well (cable, electric, doctors visits, etc)
    • Under the FairTax, only 23% of the price paid for consumer items and services will go to the government, but that is all. There wouldn’t be anything withheld from income and payroll taxes because there would be no taxes!
  6. Bringing American Business Back Home
    • American corporations are moving overseas to escape the punishing tax structure here in America, acting on the best interests of their shareholders, employees and customers.
    • For example, if DaimlerChrysler were headquartered in the United States, they would face a 67.5% tax rate, while the actual company is located in Germany, pays 44%. Under the current tax system, moving a corporation overseas is better for the stockholders and customers. Unfortunately, the American employees would be more likely to suffer.
    • The FairTax would completely remove corporate income taxes, thus eliminating the need for American businesses to move out of the country. This will also give incentive for foreign companies to move into America. The end result would be more jobs, better opportunities and higher wages for the American individual.
  7. The Birth of the FairTax
    • • Began by a group of Americans who formed the Americans for Fair Taxation (AFFT) whose goal was to develop a new tax system that would raise the same amount of revenue for the government as our current tax system, but would be less intrusive, abusive, coercive and corrosive. This is after researching other tax systems (the flat tax, VAT (value added tax) and consumption tax)
    • The FairTax ( is a method of taxation that would be totally voluntary, that would allow citizens to pay what they choose, when they choose, by how they choose to spend their money. It is a national sales tax on goods and services sold at the retail level.
  8. The FairTax Explained
    • The Fairtax will repeal (remove)
      • The individual income tax
      • The alternative minimum tax (AMT)
      • Corporate and business income taxes
      • Capital gains taxes
      • Social Security taxes
      • Medicare taxes (along with other federal payroll taxes)
      • The self-employment tax
      • Estate taxes
      • Gift taxes
    • The FairTax is not a Value-Added Tax (VAT) as in Europe. VATs are added at every stage of production and hide tax costs in the price of goods. In contrast, the FairTax is levied once, and only once, at the retail cash register and is printed on the receipt for all to see.
    • The FairTax is a replacement for, not an addition to, our current federal taxes. It is not at tax cut nor is it a tax increase.
    • The FairTax abolishes all taxes on income. Consumers will way an embedded personal consumption tax in the amount of 23% on all goods and services sold at the retail level. (This also includes doctors visits, dentists, lawyers, accountants, and internet sales) The 23% tax will not be imposed on the sale of used or previously owned items (including used cars, homes). It is a ONE time tax on new items.
    • True, this is a 1% increase to the current embedded taxes for our goods today. Yet consider this: if a company doesn’t have to pay a federal tax on their product, they could sell that product at the same price and make a profit. Because of competition with other products, prices will eventually decrease because one company will find that they can get more business will lower prices. Eventually, the other companies will follow suit. It is estimated that the price of goods and services may fall 20%.
    • The FairTax is revenue neutral. This means the sales tax rate will be set to ensure that the federal government, and all the programs within it, will receive from the national retail sales tax exactly what they have been receiving under the current tax system. It will also treat government purchases as taxable purchases. State, local, and federal government purchases will also pay the tax.
    • The FairTax will eliminate the tax burden on the middle- and lower-income Americans, allowing them to save money and judge for themselves when and how they’re comfortable making taxable purchases.
    • The FairTax allows everyone to be treated fairly because it provides that the federal government will send every family in America a prebate (advanced rebate) to cover taxes on the basic necessities of life. Every head of household will receive this prebate every single month, to reimburse every American family for the sales tax that family will pay on all spending up to the federal poverty level, plus extra to prevent any marriage penalty. The end result? Low-income and many middle-income families would be exempted from paying the national retail sales tax on all or most of their spending.
  9. The FairTax Prebate: The Key to Fairness
    • The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was passed to relieve lower-income Americans of the tax they pay for Social Security and Medicare. This also includes the income tax paid for our defense, parks, courts, FBI, housing, education, etc. The budget to pay for this (which comes from American taxpayers) has grown to $38 billion.
    • Under the FairTax, the poor—along with everyone else—will no longer have Social Security or Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks. Whatever they earn, they get on payday. This would mean an immediate 25-30% increase in take-home pay.
    • 22% is already inflating the retail sales prices we all pay in the form of embedded taxes buried in the cost of all consumer goods. The price of goods will fall 20% on transportation, food, clothing, and shelter once the embedded taxes have been removed. (I.e. if groceries cost $45 a week under the current system, once the 22% embedded tax has been removed, the price falls to $35.10. Add the FairTax 23% and the groceries would cost $45.58—a few pennies more. But remember, you also get to take home 100% of your paycheck, does this sound bad to you?)
    • The FairTax prebate (monthly check from the government towards basic necessities) will be based on the government’s published poverty levels for various sized households. This number would be updated every year to keep up with inflation. (i.e. in 2005, a household of a married couple with two children would be granted a consumption allowance—a government estimate of what a household of that size would spend for that year to buy the basic necessities of life for that family—of $25,660. The sales tax on this amount would equal $5,902. This amount would be rebated back to the household in 12 equal monthly installments of just under $492.) Therefore, the tax that would have been paid for the basic necessities of life for that year would be returned during the course of that year (meaning no tax for the goods needed to survive!)
    • The purpose of the FairTax prebate is that no American has to pay the FairTax on the basic necessities of life. This covers all Americans, poor and rich alike, unlike our current tax system eliminating the need for class envy.
    • To prevent scams on the system, the name and social security number for everyone under your household must be provided every year to collect the prebate. This includes households as small as one person up to however many you can claim as dependants.
    • In the end, everyone would receive 100% (given that the individual state governments adopt this system, otherwise, its more like 90-95%) of their paychecks and a prebate check every month in addition, and lower prices on goods and services.
  10. Underground and Offshore Economy…Taxed at Last!
    • There is a “shadow economy”—the world of legal activities that are not reported for tax purposes. Add to this figure the “underground economy,” the world of illegal activities—drug dealers, hookers, and the like—and the magnitude of the problem becomes clear. In 2000, a survey concluded that our shadow economy counts for more than 10% ($355 billion) of America’s GDP that isn’t getting taxed
    • The problem is, this loss is made up by the people who pay their taxes. Each of the 150 million American taxpayers pays an average of $2,000 extra every year to the IRS to cover the missing revenue
    • Trillions of dollars are sent into offshore financial centers (OFCs) in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands:
      • OFCs are used to set up international business corporations (IBCs), which are popular (tax and regulation free) vehicles for managing investment funds
      • Insurance companies use OFCs for reinsuring catastrophic risks, which often have lower actuarial requirements and capital standards.
      • Wealthy individuals use OFCs to protect assets and for tax planning
      • Foreign wealth is often kept in OFCs, to be protected from weak banking systems Tax evasion and money laundering schemes are difficult to track down in OFCs
    • With the FairTax in place the trillions of dollars in those OFCs would flow back home to America for the very reason they found themselves offshore to start with. Even more so, trillions more from foreign nations would flow into the United States because of the same reasons.
    • The shadow economy, under the FairTax, would be paying into the federal tax system every time a purchase is made in the United States. Illegal immigrants and foreign visitors would even be contributing to the tax system under the FairTax.
In closing, there are an additional 6 chapters which covers the main opposition to H.R. 25 (The FairTax bill), IRS horror stories, a question/answer section, and a chapter on what you can do to get this passed. I urge all who’ve read this to spread the word, talk to your representative, newspapers, friends and family and get this movement going! The website for more information is .

Looking at Relationships like running a Corporation

A Guide to Simplify Any Relationship Using Common A Common Business Mindset

This is just an outline of a way to look at relationships. Working on a universal version for ALL relationships including: friendships, polygamous relationships, monotonous relationships, business associates, etc. (And yes, this is my own original research after a bad breakup)

Chapter One: Business Model
  • Who are you as a person? What are you looking for? Where are you willing to go? When are you ready to make your move? Why are you looking? How much are you willing to spend? These are some of the who, what, where, when, why and how questions you need to be asking yourself.
  • Know what you want before getting into a relationship. The other person(s) cant guess right all the time. If you don’t know, how will anyone else?
  • For those of you just out of relationships, DO NOT even consider jumping into another without taking time to yourself. This also includes random hookups!! (You risk being attached.) Review what went wrong in your last relationship and clear up any lingering issues. Bring NO BAGGAGE to the next person!!! They don’t care about your exes or want to hear any of it!! (The length of this process varies, but generally when you are over the ex, then you are ready to date.)
  • Be comfortable with who you are. If something about you makes you self-conscious, FIX IT. Confidence is very attractive.

Chapter Two: Interviewing
  • Set realistic expectations during your search for someone. This should be self-explanatory.
  • Talk about what you want up front. This way they will know if they are willing to go any further and not waste your time.
  • Ask about their past, present and future. The past is usually the truth. The present can be lied about. The future is something that should have been thought about BEFORE meeting you. This will tell you if they have goals of their own. If they have to think about this one, chances are they aren’t very ambitious.
  • ASK QUESTIONS!! Nothing wrong with asking about someone you are interested in. If you don’t ask, they won’t tell you what you may need to know.
  • Read body language and LISTEN with your ears, and not for what you WANT to hear. People will usually tell you what you want with their body movements and by what they actually say. Pay attention, because most of the time, they are saying what they THINK you want to hear.
Chapter Three: Probationary Period
  • Only get to this point when you focused on ONE person and BEFORE having sex with anyone. If you want you want a serious relationship, that is.
  • Remember the questions you asked them during the interview process. This is the time to ask them again and see what holds up. (Approximately 3 to 4 weeks after the time you first asked).

Chapter Four: Incentives
  • Dates
  • Buying tokens of affection.
  • Remembering the little things about them
  • Sex (yeah, its about time!!), but only if you are ready for it.
  • Massages
  • Anything you can think of to make them feel good being with you. I would not recommend blackmail; they have to feel GOOD to be around you.
  • You are the product, keep them interested or they will eventually look for new merchandises.

Chapter Five: Discipline
  • By this time, like any job, people start slacking off. If they are doing something you DON’T like, then tell them what happens. DO NOT hold it in until you explode.
  • If they are doing things that you KNOW you mentioned when you started during the interview process, remind them. If they continue come up with a punishment or hold back an incentive or two.
  • Should these habits continue, you should move on to Chapter Six.

Chapter Six: Deal Breaking
  • Things may begin to get boring with the person you’re with so either go back to Chapter Four, or break off the relationship.
  • Cheating ends your relationship. Terminate with EXTREME prejudice.
  • If you have cheated, it’s your responsibility to TELL them. Otherwise you can’t blame their reaction if they found out on their own. Sucks to be you then.
  • If the person has irked you and you warned them and punished them, then its time to kick them to the curb. There are other people willing to make you just as happy as you are willing to make them.
  • In the end, its about YOUR happiness. So if you aren’t happy, why deal with it any longer than you have to? There are plenty of people out there for you.
Chapter Seven: Promotion/Expansion
  • Considering a lifetime? Marry this person if you are TRULY happy. Make them permanent partners in your business called you. CONGRATS!!

Do You Really Know Me? (March 2007)

"Just how well do we know the person we think we know? How many times has a person you thought you knew surprised you by doing something you didn't think he or she was capable of doing? Each of us is guilty of acting differently around different people and in different situations. There are examples of this on the news all the time..."Oh, I would never have expected this of him!...He was always so quiet!" Our manner of speech, our actions, and even our jokes are determined by the situation we're in and the people we're around at any given time. Even those who claim to be "politically correct" chirp a different tune if they get angry, or behind closed doors! Taking all that into consideration, can we say for certain that we actually know anyone?"

The above was taken from "Curtis" by Ray Billingsley, a Sunday comic posted on March 18, 2007. Thought it was pretty deep and interesting to think about.

Players 101: Before Giving it Up (i.e. Basics) Dec 2006

Class is in session!! Ok, so you want a relationship and are tired of the games the fellas play. Here are some helpful tips and guidlines in understanding what to look for in a man when trying to get to know him. This means BEFORE giving up the pussy ladies. Cause if you give up without checking him out, then you just wasted your time and don't cry if it don't work out.

* If he doesn't ask you out (chase you), then move on. Men are all hunters to the core. If they catch the scent of prey (which ALL women are, I don't care what you say about that!!!), they will do whatever it takes to obtain it. It's a natural thing. If you throw out all types of hints ( WITHOUT giving up the goodies) and he doesn't respond, you aren't on his radar or he's retarded or he's trying to see how far you will go for attention. Now days, its that latter. We will WORK for the pussy if we want it, if you give it up early, then why work for it?! GUYS HUNT!!! GIVE THEM A CHASE AND DON'T BE THE SICK WATER BUFFALO AND BE EASY!!

* For the first few dates together, DO NOT set up an evening date. The problem with an evening date is that you (talking to the women in general here) tend to think emotionally. Think about it, a nice romantic evening, the perfect ambience, the perfect stereotype of a romantic dinner. The problem with this is that, if it all goes well, MOST of you get caught up in the romantic evening and not in what is actually going on in the date. First couple of dates SHOULD be during daylight hours (i.e brunch or lunch). Don't set up evening dates, your emotions are setting yourself up to get played

* NO DRINKS (Alcoholic, DUH). Most guys can drink and carry a conversation. Most can also notice how you're affected by alcohol and even know how/when to order more rounds to get you loose. Then you know what happens.

* Ask up front. Don't set yourself up: "If I ask too many questions, he'll think I'm pushy." How in the hell are you going to know if he has a wife/girlfriend, kids, babymama drama, a prison record, etc. If you do your homework, you won't waste your time. Its that simple. Ask him these questions to his face see how he reacts to your questions.

* Find out what his goals are. Begin asking him what his short-term goals are, then move on to long-term. If he hasn't thought this out for himself, why waste your time with someone without personal goals in life? He's not going anywhere, so the relationship you're looking for isn't either.

* Ask a man what he thinks about you after you've ONLY TALKED (NO SEX). Listen to his answer. A week later, ask what he FEELS about you. If you hear the same answer as what he thinks about you, his head is only in the game of getting you on your back and nothing else.

* Finally, LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION!!! Men were made to hunt you. The only defense you have are your women's intuition. If something about his behavior or what he says just seems wrong and off to you, chances are that something is wrong. If you question what he's said, or where he's been, ASK QUESTIONS!!

Let me know what you think about these things here. I'm seriously looking to HELP you in the game of love and insights into the fellas.

The Game of Life (Oct 2006)

"It's true that life is a game, but remember not to treat the relationships you come across as the same thing. Relationships are the tools to either help you through the game of life or keep you from your goal. For example, you treat someone like the dirt under your shoes and that same person could screw you out of a recommendation, promotion, opportunity, etc. Treat everyone with respect and you'll reach your goals much quicker than if you didn't."

I've seen and heard the phrase "Life is a game" so many times, that it makes me sick. This is the credo that players, hustlers, golddiggers, and downright lowest of the low in human evolution live by religiously. The quote you see above is my own version, one that I believe in wholeheartedly. I am sick of hearing friends, family and significant others getting hurt by people who are after their own goals and don't give a damn about who they hurt to achieve them. This goes for the guys that fuck and leave, the women who fuck with guys until the better model comes along, the cheaters, pimps, players, and the list can go on.

I know its impossible to meet a person with the upstanding qualities of being honest, trustworthy, compassionate, and all-around human being for once in this world, but I can hope for it. I'm not perfect myself, but I try to at least treat everyone like I ACTUALLY want to get to know them. I want to get to know each and everyone of you, but i do not want to waste my time if you can not relate to being hurt. Hurt finacially, emotionally, physically or in whatever way by someone you trusted, worked with, cared about, or didn't know. I want to know that person and maybe even help you out with any advice or insight that I can.

I guess I'll end this one by saying, enjoy life and play the game to the best of your ability. Just don't play with me or anyone I know or care about. If don't play right, life can be a bitch. KARMA.