Friday, August 13, 2010

Andrew Klavan: A Young Person's Guide to the United States Constitution

It's the little things they don't emphasize...this video lays out the basics of the Constitution so anyone can understand it


Neil Boortz on Fox News explaining the effects of tax cuts in an economy in his subtle way:

In case you're wondering: 70% of economist favor extending Bush Tax Cuts.  Link to Wall Street Journal article here as the source. Go figure.

Video: “I’m willing to take a chance on something different”


Very Positive step towards Housing Reform by the Obama Team: Cut Out the Community Organizers

The Washington Post reports today that community organizers find themselves on the outside without a seat at the table where the new policies will develop for housing reform — and that they’re not keeping quiet about the betrayal:

Affordable-housing advocates raised concerns Thursday that the Obama administration is excluding consumer and community groups from playing prominent roles in a government-sponsored conference next week that will kick off efforts to overhaul national housing policy.

After the administration announced the 12 panelists for Tuesday’s conference, the nonprofit National Community Reinvestment Coalition said consumer and community groups had been “muscled out” by financial companies, economists and academics without a sense of how housing policy plays out in communities.
“Apparently being a community organizer qualifies you to be president, but it’s not good enough to be part of HUD and Treasury’s think tank on housing,” said NCRC chief executive John Taylor, whose group works with hundreds of community organizations to promote access to financial services for low- and middle-income people.

Inflating housing bubbles by forcing or incentivizing overreliance on subprime loans clearly hasn’t worked out well for most communities; we now have a foreclosure crisis, thanks to people overextending themselves on overvalued homes. The government interventions of the past twelve years have created crisis and instability, and it doesn’t take a community organizer to see that.

Cutting out the community organizers could mean one of two outcomes. Either Obama is serious about recalibrating HUD’s mission towards low-income rentals and away from distorting lending markets to push ownership where the economics simply don’t support it, or this process is just a beard to continue the status quo by claiming that the White House did its due diligence in checking out all of the possibilities.