Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Missouri Taking the Mandate to a Vote

Time takes notice as the first state takes the Healthcare mandate head on:

Opponents of Prop C — those who support the insurance mandate — have been frustrated by the lack of a vigorous campaign to defeat it. Apart from a mass mailing by the Missouri Hospital Association, no organized effort existed until a few weeks ago when three 19-year-olds started a Facebook campaign. “I’ve had to spend about $500 out of my own pocket making signs,” lamented Caleb-Michael Files, the Subway sandwich-shop manager and full-time college student who launched the Facebook effort. He wonders why Missouri is spending money on a referendum likely to stir up an expensive court case. “The law is the law,” he says. Missouri lieutenant governor Peter Kinder is one of several state officials across the country who have already filed suit challenging the federal law. (Another of those, Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli, gained a small victory in his fight against the law on Monday, when a federal judge ruled that the state does indeed have standing to bring the suit.)

Prop C is a gimme for the GOP base. In polls, Republicans strongly oppose Obamacare — and Tuesday’s primaries are far more interesting on the GOP side, practically guaranteeing a turnout heavily skewed against health care reform. Republicans barely need to raise more money to get out the vote.

Here’s the actual text of the proposition together with real-time polling results.  This is more of a political message, denying the government of Missouri the power to penalize citizens for failing to buy health insurance, but that’ll be irrelevant if/when a federal court decides that the mandate in Healthcare is constitutional.  In my opinion, the commerce clause doesn't hold for an individual choosing not to become active in the market.  The clause only covers voluntary activity and shouldn't punish you for opting not to participate. 
We'll know by morning the exact percentages on Prop C.

Update:  With all districts reported in the Amendment passes at 71.1%

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